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TempoCap Managing Partner, Olav Ostin, featured in the WSJ discussing CVCs and the rise of secondaries

23 August, 2023

In a recent article published by The Wall Street Journal, the challenges faced by corporate venture-investing arms are brought to light. As companies with in-house venture-capital arms grapple with sagging values, they are resorting to selling assets to navigate through these uncertain times.

The piece highlights the retrenchment strategies adopted by major players such as French energy company Total. With collapsing startup values impacting their portfolios, these companies are focusing on divesting assets to mitigate risks and restore financial stability.

The article provides valuable insights into the world of corporate venture investing. James’s expertise shines through as he analyses the market dynamics and sheds light on the factors contributing to this challenging landscape.

One notable contribution in this article comes from Olav Ostin, the Managing Partner at TempoCap. Ostin’s expertise offers a unique perspective on the current state of corporate venture investing and its impact on asset values. His insights add depth to the discussion and provide valuable context for readers.


Read More: WSJ

Source: WSJ

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