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TempoCap Growth Predictions: 2023 will be the year of the ant, not the grasshopper!

22 February, 2023

Our managing partner Olav Ostin recently shared his thoughts with Startups Magazine exploring the disruption that lies ahead for the tech industry in 2023. As Olav explains:

“Making predictions for 2023 is particularly hard. From a European tech start-up perspective, much of the industry is entering unfamiliar territory. That’s because most key decision-makers, whether founders, managers or investors, have not run companies during a recession. They’ve enjoyed nearly 15 years of good times, and now that’s ending.

They’ll need to change how they operate, but change is hard if you’ve had that much of an easy ride particularly if you’ve enjoyed some success. All your evidence and experiences don’t count for as much as you’d like them to because everything has been achieved in a more favourable economic environment.

And one of the most significant differences they’ll see is how the focus changes. Twelve months ago, everything was about growth at all costs. It didn’t matter how you grew or how much money you were losing, as long as you grew rapidly.

That’s all gone. Growth is still good, but it needs to be profitable”


Read more: Startups Magazine

Source: Startups Magazine

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