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TempoCap Cybersecurity Conference: Video chat with Erwän Keräudy, CEO of CybelAngel

30 May, 2022

The next edition of our cyber chats videos features Erwän Keräudy, the CEO of our portfolio company CybelAngel!

In it, he discusses connecting with leaders from across the cybersecurity ecosystem and the changing nature of cyber attacks in 2022 and beyond.

As a leading cybersecurity and enterprise technology company, CybelAngel’s technology has already saved customers billions of dollars’ worth of damage from information security incidents and breaches.

Erwän has been a driving force behind the development of CybelAngel’s pioneering, AI-powered data leak detection technology, and has championed CybelAngel’s capacity to respond to evolving cybersecurity risks, especially those arising in supply chain and third-party ecosystems.

TempoCap is a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

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