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Why DeFi could signal the beginning of the end of traditional Fintech

21 February, 2022

Could DeFi signal the beginning of the end of traditional Fintech? This is one of the key questions our Venture Partner Pierre F. Suhrcke addresses in his latest blog for Finextra. Pierre also demystifies DeFi (decentralized finance) and the broader rise of decentralised thinking.

“In some ways, the growing interest in DeFi is part of a wider trend that is questioning why so many industries are heavily influenced, if not outright controlled, by a central establishment. For instance, the likes of @Microsoft and @Meta are helping to bring the concept of the metaverse into the public conscience, but this blurring of the physical and digital is not and cannot be restricted to what a handful of conglomerates dictate.” – Pierre F. Suhrcke , Venture Partner, TempoCap.

Read more: Finextra

Source: Finextra

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