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An overview of the support measures for start-ups affected by coronavirus: a resource for start-ups in the UK, France and Germany

28 May, 2020

As of May 28 2020: This infographic outlines the Government-backed resources for startups across the following markets: United Kingdom, France and Germany. Resources include grants, loans and other measures.

The COVID-19 pandemic represents uncharted and unprecedented territory for the entire world. It is, first and foremost, the most challenging healthcare issue the world has experienced in the past century; it is also an emergency that the world is continuing to adapt to daily.

COVID-19 also presents a severe socio-economic issue – with far-reaching consequences. Governments across the world have reacted to the economic difficulties by presenting a variety of strategies to deal with financial emergencies that have developed – creating relief packages aimed at supporting economic activity and recovery where possible.

TempoCap sets out the specific initiatives that have been advanced by the UK, French and German governments in this infographic, as a resource for those affected, while noting, of course, that this is a dynamic and fast-moving situation – with new measures announced frequently.

We’ll be regularly updating this infographic with the latest news: please send any feedback on programmes outlined to 

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