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TempoCap co-hosts conference on secondary transactions

17 October, 2017

Conference Agenda

Event Link:



Registration and refreshments


Chairpersons’ Welcome

Karma Samdup & Ted Craig, Partners, MJ Hudson


Setting the Stage: Accessing Liquidity in Venture Capital
Macro-view of routes to liquidity for the different venture capital participants (e.g. angels, GPs, LPs). A look at the timing of a likely exit, the typical form of that exit as well as any systemic or other constraints to liquidity in the venture industry.

Yaron Zafir, Head of Secondaries, Rede Partners


Liquidity via the Secondary Market: Deal Structures, Issues and Challenges 
What does a secondary transaction look like?  An overview of secondary deal structures (e.g. direct or indirect secondary transactions as well as primary deals). What legal and commercial issues (e.g. process, timing, pricing and due diligence issues) do founders, angel investors, GPs and/or LPs need to be aware of.

Ted Craig, Partner, MJ Hudson
Karma Samdup, Partner, MJ Hudson


Keynote Interview: The Secondary Direct Venture Market Overview

Olav Ostin, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, TempoCap

Interviewed by:
Ted Craig, Partner, MJ Hudson

TempoCap is a leading technology investment firm providing liquidity to high growth European businesses. TempoCap advised funds acquire secondary direct portfolio investments from various type of investors including venture capital funds, corporates, banks or prominent business angels as well invest growth capital into fast-growing sizeable technology businesses via both primary as well as secondary situations.




Delivering Pre-Exit Liquidity Options for Private Investors: Pros, Cons & Challenges
A panel discussion focusing on the latest alternative liquidity options on the horizon for private investors in technology start-ups. Can more be done? What are the challenges in the market – legal, regulatory or otherwise – which hinder the evolution of a secondary market? Will these alternative options or platforms succeed or fail?

Moderator: Karma Samdup, Partner, MJ Hudson

Panellists include:

Ashish Puri, Investment Partner, TempoCap
Reshma Sohoni, Partner & Co-Founder, Seedcamp
Nadav Rosenberg, Partner, ‎Entrepreneur First
Thomas Davies
, CFO, Funderbeam


LPs’ Perspective: Gaining Access to the Venture Capital Asset Class
A panel of primary and secondary LPs discussing their appetite for doing venture capital deals, the issues that put them off such deals and how they see this area evolving. Can greater liquidity increase capital pool available for start-ups and GPs?

Ted Craig, Partner, MJ Hudson

Panellists include:

Edward Lemle, Director, Montana Capital Partners
Daniel Morrison, Private Wealth, Society Generale
Thomas Liaudet, Partner, Campbell Lutyens
Mathieu Drean, Managing Partner, Triago
Christian Boehler, Partner, Akina


Chairperson’s Wrap Up

Karma Samdup, Partner, MJ Hudson


Networking Drinks and Canapés



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